Visualization of internal combustion simulations in a modular environment

Andrea O. Leone, Riccardo Scateni
Visualization in Scientific Computing '95, Springer-Verlag Wien, page 126--134 - may 1995
We describe here a solution to the problem of visualizing the results of simulations of a combustion chamber in a power plant. We used for this a modular visualization environment: Iris Explorer. We sketch first the fluid-dynamics problem to solve, and then focus our attention on how to face the visualization problems, especially how to visualize several different scalar fields at the same time. Then we describe our proposed environment for the solution with the description of several new modules for Iris Explorer we implemented describing their advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we talk about the possible future evolution of the project.

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Références BibTex

  author       = {Leone, A. and Scateni, R.},
  title        = {Visualization of internal combustion simulations in a modular environment},
  booktitle    = {Visualization in Scientific Computing '95},
  pages        = {126--134},
  month        = {may},
  year         = {1995},
  editor       = {Riccardo Scateni and J. van Wijk and P. Zanarini},
  publisher    = {Springer-Verlag Wien},
  note         = {isbn: 3-211-82729-3   idxproject: ?},
  type         = {incollection},
  url          = {},

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» Andrea O. Leone
» Riccardo Scateni