The SITAI project for the industrial areas of Sardinia: from a GIS database to a web-based site selection tool
Andrea Giacomelli,
Sergio Loddo,
Eva Barbara Lorrai
Informazione geografica: innovazione e formazione. Proceedings of the 6th EC-GIS Workshop - 2000
Références BibTex
author = {Giacomelli, A. and Loddo, S. and Lorrai, E.},
title = {The SITAI project for the industrial areas of Sardinia: from a GIS database to a web-based site selection tool},
booktitle = {Informazione geografica: innovazione e formazione. Proceedings of the 6th EC-GIS Workshop},
year = {2000},
note = {Also available as CRS4-TECH-REP-00/29},
keywords = {GIS, industrial areas},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2000/GLL00c},
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