Transient thermo-hydraucic analysis of the windowless target system for the lead bismuth eutetic cooled accelerator driven system

Fosco Bianchi, Roberta Ferri, Vincent Moreau
ICONE 14: International Conference On Nuclear Engineering - july 2006
The target system, whose function is to supply an external neutron source to the ADS sub-critical core to sustain the neutron chain reaction, is the most critical part od an ADS being subject to severe thermo-mechanical loading and material damage due to accelerator protons and fission neutron neutrons. A windowless option was chosen as reference configuration for the target system of the LBE-cooled ADS within the European PDS-XADS project in order to reduce the material damage and to increase its life. This document deals with the thermo-hydraulic results of the calculations performed with STAR-CD and RELAP5 codes for studying the behaviour of the windowless target system during off-normal operating conditions. It also reports a description of modifications properly implemented in the codes needd for this analysis. The windowless target system shows a satisfactory thermo-hydraulic behaviour for the analysed accidents, except for the loss of both pumps without beam shut-off and the beam trips lasting for more than one second.

Références BibTex

  author       = {Bianchi, F. and Ferri, R. and Moreau, V.},
  title        = {Transient thermo-hydraucic analysis of the windowless target system for the lead bismuth eutetic cooled accelerator driven system},
  booktitle    = {ICONE 14: International Conference On Nuclear Engineering},
  month        = {july},
  year         = {2006},
  organization = {ASME},
  note         = {idxproject: PDS-XADS},
  url          = {},

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» Fosco Bianchi
» Roberta Ferri
» Vincent Moreau