Experimental results on item-based algorithm for independent domain collaborative filtering

Maria Laura Clemente
Proceedings Of The 4th International Conference On Automated Solutions For Cross Media Content And Multi-channel Distributin, Number 10.1109/AX, page 87--92 - november 2008
A research analysis on item-based algorithms for collaborative filtering is presented. The aim of the presented activity was to find a configuration of an item-based algorithm capable of providing good results but also independent from the data set. Four data sets were used for the algorithm validation: Netflix, MovieLens, BookCrossing, and Jester. The experimentation involved the following aspects: similarity computation, size of the neighbourhood, prediction computation, minimum number of co-rated items. Results were evaluated in terms of Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). The result of the activity is an independent domain configuration for an item-based algorithm which produced satisfactory results with most of the above mentioned data sets.

Références BibTex

  author       = {Clemente, M.},
  title        = {Experimental results on item-based algorithm for independent domain collaborative filtering},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings Of The 4th International Conference On Automated Solutions For Cross Media Content And Multi-channel Distributin},
  number       = {10.1109/AX},
  series       = {IEEE Computer Society},
  pages        = {87--92},
  month        = {november},
  year         = {2008},
  editor       = {Paolo Nesi and Kia Ng and Jaime Delgado},
  note         = {isbn: 978-0-7695-3406-0

idxproject: ?},
  url          = {\&isnumber=4688033\&punumber=4688032\&k2dockey=4688054@ieeecnfs\&query=(item-based+algorithms)\%3Cin\%3Emetadata\&pos=0

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» Maria Laura Clemente