CRS Office: A Java graphical user interface for the conventional CRS stack

Anderson Batista Gomes, Lourenildo Williame Barbosa Leite, Jessé Carvalho Costa, Zeno Heilmann, Jurgen Mann
Rapport de recherche , WIT report 2007 - 2008
This paper describes the development of CRS Office, a friendly Java interface for the CRS (Common Reflection Surface) system, and an example of application to synthetic and real marine data from offshore Brazil. The interface is not limited to the conventional CRS stack process, but it is intended to integrate different processes through Java tools with application centered at seismic imaging with the CRS technology. The interface is extended to print on the screen the outputs results, and to do this it is used the CWP/SU (Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines, Seismic Un*x) format and packages. CRS technology has increased its participation in the last years in data processing, nevertheless, its use is restrict to some groups due partly to the non-existence of a friendly interface to make its use more efficient and enjoyable. In order to present a solution for this issue, we started the development of CRS Office, a graphical user interface for the CRS stack processing code of Dr. Jürgen Mann released in Karlsruhe, Germany. The CRS code is written in C++, and the CRS Office was developed as a wizard console in NetBeans, IDE (Integrated Development Environment) 5.5 GUI (Graphical User Interface) builder, in Java language program. CRS Office gathers the Java’s platform advantages, like portability and re-usability, with the computational efficiency of the C++ program language. The GUI allows the interaction between the user and the CRS/C++ code without requirement to be involved with complex shell scripts and Makefiles. Basically, in the present stage CRS Office reads the parameters from the widgets (TextFields, ComboBoxes, Check Boxes, and so on), does the CRS stack based in these parameters, and print the output results creating and executing shell scripts and Makefiles in a hidden way. A further and natural development consists in a bigger integration between the CRS code and the CRS Office using JNI (Java Native Interface) tools. The project development is under maintenance, evolution and inclusion of new tools.

Références BibTex

  author       = {Gomes, A. and Leite, L. and Costa, J. and Heilmann, Z. and Mann, J.},
  title        = {CRS Office: A Java graphical user interface for the conventional CRS stack},
  institution  = {WIT report 2007},
  year         = {2008},
  url          = {},

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» Anderson Batista Gomes
» Lourenildo Williame Barbosa Leite
» Zeno Heilmann
» Jurgen Mann