Novel simulation model of the solar collector of biocoil photobioreactors for co2 sequestration with microalgae

Alessandro Concas, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 157, page 297 -- 303 - january 2010
A novel mathematical model to simulate the growth of microalgae in the solar collector of recirculating helical photobioreactors (BIOCOIL) is proposed. The dynamic-spatial behavior of the nutrient species in liquid phase (CO2, nitrates and orthophosphates) and the primary photosynthesis product (O2) are quantitatively described through the proposed model where the simulation of cell growth, proliferation and its distribution within the tubular section of the helical photobioreactor is improved with respect to the existing literature by properly taking into account suitable population balances. Light intensity distribution within the culture medium is also quantitatively described. Model results and the literature experimental data in terms of dry biomass content and its distribution within the photobioreactor tube have been successfully compared, thus demonstrating the validity of the proposed model as well as its predictive capability.

Références BibTex

  author       = {Concas, A. and Pisu, M. and Cao, G.},
  title        = {Novel simulation model of the solar collector of biocoil photobioreactors for co2 sequestration with microalgae},
  journal      = {Chemical Engineering Journal},
  volume       = {157},
  pages        = {297 -- 303},
  month        = {january},
  year         = {2010},
  note         = {idxproject: PHOBIRE},
  keywords     = {Co2 sequestration, photobioreactors, pouplatin balnce, mathematical modelling},
  url          = {\&_udi=B6TFJ-4XKXXW2-1\&_user=10\&_coverDate=03\%2F01\%2F2010\&_rdoc=1\&_fmt=high\&_orig=search\&_sort=d\&_docanchor=\&view=c\&_searchStrId=1267310166\&_rerunOrigin=google\&_acct=C000050221\&_version=1\&_urlVersion=0\&_userid=10\&md5=6b461fac4ad5f046de22890d062184ee

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» Alessandro Concas
» Massimo Pisu
» Giacomo Cao