Analysis of PIK3CA Mutations and Activation Pathways in Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Paolo Cossu-Rocca, Sandra Orrù, ..., Silvana Urru, Maria Rosaria De Miglio
PLoS ONE - 2015
Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) accounts for 12–24% of all breast carcinomas, and shows worse prognosis compared to other breast cancer subtypes. Molecular studies demonstrated that TNBCs are a heterogeneous group of tumors with different clinical and pathologic features, prognosis, genetic-molecular alterations and treatment responsivity. The PI3K/AKT is a major pathway involved in the regulation of cell survival and proliferation, and is the most frequently altered pathway in breast cancer, apparently with different biologic impact on specific cancer subtypes. The most common genetic abnormality is represented by PIK3CA gene activating mutations, with an overall frequency of 20–40%. The aims of our study were to investigate PIK3CA gene mutations on a large series of TNBC, to perform a wider analysis on genetic alterations involving PI3K/AKT and BRAF/RAS/MAPK pathways and to correlate the results with clinical-pathologic data.

Références BibTex

  author       = { Cossu-Rocca, P. and Orrù, S. and ...,  . and Urru, S. and De Miglio, M.},
  title        = {Analysis of PIK3CA Mutations and Activation Pathways in Triple Negative Breast Cancer},
  journal      = {PLoS ONE},
  year         = {2015},
  keywords     = {Mutation, Mutation detection, Cancer treatment, MAPK signaling cascades, Mutational analysis, Breast cancer, Histology, Cancer genomics },
  doi          = {10.1371/journal.pone.0141763},
  url          = {},

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» Paolo Cossu-Rocca
» Sandra Orrù
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» Silvana Urru
» Maria Rosaria De Miglio