Mutual causation between body and brain

Gavin Brelstaff, Alexandra Brelstaff
ESI SyNC 2020 Poster abstracts, page 4 - 2020
Télécharger la publication : Poster-Brelstaff_Mutual_Causation_Between_Body_And_Brain.pdf [144Ko]   PosterAbstracts.pdf [690Ko]  
Mutual Causation has received relatively little attention since Lois Frankel's analysis demoted it as practical possibility. Indeed its absence is implicit in the increasing application of Structural Causal Models to represent causal relations between conscious perceptive states, brain states and report states - as exemplified in the account of Gustav Bernroider. Nevertheless, Penny et al have explored whether brain activity might be driven by master-slave or mutual entrainment mechanisms - adopting Dynamic Causal Modelling between networks of weakly coupled oscillators - whereby dynamic phase changes may indicate causal reversals. Might such a network extend to peripheral sites so that a mutual causal oscillation between body and brain process becomes conceivable? This would reflect Damasio's "resonant loop between body states and brain states" and lays the empirical path along which sentience can lead to knowledge rather than being a superfluous appendage. References Lois Frankel, 1986, Mutual causation, simultaneity and event description Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition vol 49, 3, p.361-372. Gustav Bernroider, 2017 neural transition dynamics and conscious perceptive states in Biophysics of Consciousness: A Foundational Approach eds.R. R. Poznanski, J. A. Tuszynski and T. E. Feinberg, p.251-277. W.D.Penny, V.Litvak, L.Fuentemilla, E.Duzel, K.Friston 2009, Dynamic Causal Models for phase coupling Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Vol,183,1, 30,p.19-30. Antonio Damasio, 2010. Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain Pantheon New York NY, p.116.

Références BibTex

  author       = {Brelstaff, G. and Brelstaff, A.},
  title        = {Mutual causation between body and brain},
  booktitle    = {ESI SyNC 2020 Poster abstracts},
  series       = {ESI SyNC},
  pages        = {4},
  year         = {2020},
  editor       = {Wolf Singer, Pascal Fries},
  publisher    = {Ernst Strüngmann Institute Systems Neuroscience },
  organization = {Ernst Strüngmann Institute Systems Neuroscience },
  address      = {Ernst Strüngmann Institut gGmbH Deutschordenstraße 46 60528 Frankfurt am Main Germany},
  keywords     = {Structural Causal Models, Mutual Causation, Mind Body Problem},
  url          = {},

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