Publications de Pisu au CRS4

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Publications en 2001
Contractual reports
[7-LCP01] [Add to your selection]
A. Locci, Alberto Cincotti, Massimo Pisu, Roberto Orrú, Giacomo Cao
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4 TR 01 techreport - 2001

[7-PIS01] [Add to your selection]
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4 TR 01 techreport - 2001

[7-OCU01] [Add to your selection]
Roberto Orrú, Alberto Cincotti, A. Uda, A. Locci, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4 TR 01 techreport - 2001

[7-PIS01] [Add to your selection]
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4 TR 01 techreport - 2001

[7-PO01] [Add to your selection]
Massimo Pisu, Roberto Orrú
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4 TR 01 techreport - 2001

[7-PL01] [Add to your selection]
Massimo Pisu, Nicola Lai
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4 TR 01 techreport - 2001

[7-COP01] [Add to your selection]
Alberto Cincotti, Roberto Orrú, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4 TR 01 techreport - 2001
Publications en 2000
Various talks, works and publications
[6-PCC00] [Add to your selection]
Massimo Pisu, Alberto Cincotti, Giacomo Cao, F. Pepe
Working Party on Distillation, Absorption and Extraction, Winterthur, Switzerland - 2000

[6-PCO00] [Add to your selection]
Massimo Pisu, Alberto Cincotti, Roberto Orrú, Giacomo Cao, Z. A. Munir
Proceedings of the International Conference “Mass and Charge Transport in Inorganic Materials”, P. Vincenzini, V. Buscaglia Eds., 905-912 - 2000

Contractual reports
[7-PCC00] [Add to your selection]
Massimo Pisu, Alberto Cincotti, Giacomo Cao, Roberto Orrú, Z. A. Munir
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4 TR 00 techreport - 2000

[7-PCP00] [Add to your selection]
Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao, F. Pepe
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4 TR 00 techreport - 2000

[7-LCO00] [Add to your selection]
Nicola Lai, Alberto Cincotti, Roberto Orrú, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4 TR 00 techreport - 2000

[7-PCC00] [Add to your selection]
Massimo Pisu, Alberto Cincotti, Giacomo Cao, F. Pepe
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy techreport - 2000

[7-ASP00] [Add to your selection]
Cosimo Aragonese, P. Santucciu, Massimo Pisu, P. Andrigo
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4 TR 00 techreport - 2000

[7-PCO00] [Add to your selection]
Massimo Pisu, Alberto Cincotti, Roberto Orrú, A. Locci, Giacomo Cao, A. Viola
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4 TR 00 techreport - 2000

[7-PLC00] [Add to your selection]
Massimo Pisu, Nicola Lai, Alberto Cincotti, D. Carta, Giacomo Cao, F. Pepe
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4 TR 00 techreport - 2000

[7-PCC00] [Add to your selection]
Massimo Pisu, Alberto Cincotti, Giacomo Cao, Roberto Orrú, Z. A. Munir
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 00/59 techreport - 2000

[7-FGR00] [Add to your selection]
T. Faravelli, A. Goldaniga, E. Ranzi, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4 TR 00 techreport - 2000
Publications en 1999
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-FGR99] [Add to your selection]
T. Faravelli, A. Goldaniga, E. Ranzi, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
The Fourth Italian Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering - AIDIC Conference Series pages 9 - 16 vol. 4 - 1999

Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-FGR99] [Add to your selection]
T. Faravelli, A. Goldaniga, E. Ranzi, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
pages 31 - 34 Conference held in Florence, Italy - 1999