Publications de Bernier au CRS4

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Publications en 2022
Various talks, works and publications
Francis Jeanson, Alexander Bernier, Spencer Gibson, Anthony Brookes, Pinar Alper, Nancy Mah, Petr Holub, Ann K Novakowski, Esther van Enckevort, Annalisa Landi, Regina Becker, Stephanie Dyke, Daniel Mietchen, Mark Wilkinson, Oussama Benhamed, Georg Philip Krog, Megan Doerr, Morris Swertz, Adrian Thorogood, Alessandro Sulis, Francesca Frexia, et al.
Poster - Poster Session - 10th GA4GH Plenary Meeting - september 2022
Publications en 2005
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
K. Guillotte, I. Gherboudj, Claudio Paniconi, M. Bernier, Marino Marrocu, M. A. Dessena
Proceedings Of The 2004 Envisat & ERS Symposium, 6-10 September 2004 ESA Publications Division - april 2005

Contractual reports
K. Guillotte, I. Gherboudj, Claudio Paniconi, M. Bernier, Marino Marrocu, M. A. Dessena, P. Botti, A. Soddu Pirellas, S. Fanni, R. Meloni, F. Fantola, D. Usai
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 05/37 techreport - december 2005