Publications de Duchon au CRS4

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Publications en 2000
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
Patrice Torguet, Olivier Balet, Enrico Gobbetti, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Jérôme Duchon, Eric Bouvier
International Journal of Design and Innovation Research pages 76--89 vol. 2 num. 1 - 2000

Contractual reports
Patrice Torguet, Olivier Balet, Enrico Gobbetti, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Jérôme Duchon, Eric Bouvier
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 00/23 techreport - 2000

Jérôme Duchon, Jacques Coves, Enrico Gobbetti, Riccardo Scateni, Luciano Marenzi, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Souheil Soubra, Joop De Kruyf, Philippe David, Carlos Cosials Ruiz
EU Project CAVALCADE (ESPRIT-26285) num. D1C techreport - february 2000
Publications en 1999
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
Patrice Torguet, Olivier Balet, Enrico Gobbetti, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Jérôme Duchon, Eric Bouvier
Proc. International Scientific Workshop on Virtual Reality and Prototyping Blackwell Publishers pages 161--170 Gérard Subsol - june 1999
issn: 2-9513952-0-5