Publications de Nitz au CRS4

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Publications en 2019
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-SRL19] [Add to your selection]
Peter Schottl, Shahab Rohani, Erminia Leonardi, Lorenzo Pisani, Inigo Les, Amaia Mutuberria, Peter Nitz
AIP 2019 conference proceedings AIP Publishing AIP Conference Proceedings 2126, 030053 (2019) pages 300531--300537 vol. 2126 AIP - july 2019  doi:
Publications en 2018
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-LMS18] [Add to your selection]
Inigo Les, Amaia Mutuberria, Peter Schottl, Peter Nitz, Erminia Leonardi, Lorenzo Pisani
AIP 2018 conference proceedings AIP Publishing pages 400201--400209 vol. 2033 - november 2018  doi: