Publications de Kuleshova au CRS4

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Publications en 2008
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-PVH08] [Add to your selection]
Lorenzo Pisani, Maria Valentini, Detlef W.M. Hofmann, Liudmila Kuleshova, Bruno D'Aguanno
Solid State Ionics pages 465--476 vol. 179 - 2008

[2-PVH08] [Add to your selection]
Lorenzo Pisani, Maria Valentini, Detlef W.M. Hofmann, Liudmila Kuleshova, Bruno D'Aguanno
Solid State Ionics pages 465-476 vol. 179 - 2008

[2-HKD08] [Add to your selection]
Detlef W.M. Hofmann, Liudmila Kuleshova, Bruno D'Aguanno
Journal Molecular Modeling pages 225--235 vol. 14 num. 3 - march 2008
Publications en 2007
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-HKD07] [Add to your selection]
Detlef W.M. Hofmann, Liudmila Kuleshova, Bruno D'Aguanno
Chemical Physics Letters pages 138--143 vol. 448 num. 1-3 - november 2007