Publications de Montinaro au CRS4

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Publications en 2021
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-CMP21] [Add to your selection]
Alessandro Concas, Selena Montinaro, Massimo Pisu, Nicola Lai, Giacomo Cao
Chemical Engineering Transactions AIDIC pages 559--564 vol. 86 - 2021  doi: 10.3303/CET2186094

Various talks, works and publications
[6-CMP21] [Add to your selection]
Alessandro Concas, Selena Montinaro, Massimo Pisu, Nicola Lai, Giacomo Cao
Lecture, The 15th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, ICHEAP-15, Naples - may 2021
Publications en 2020
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-CMP20] [Add to your selection]
Alessandro Concas, Selena Montinaro, Massimo Pisu, Nicola Lai, Giacomo Cao
Environmental Science and Pollution Research Springer - Published on line pages 31394--31407 vol. 27 num. 25 - june 2020  doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-09445-1
Publications en 2018
Various talks, works and publications
[6-MSC18] [Add to your selection]
Veronica Malavasi, Santina Soru, Alessandro Concas, Selena Montinaro, Myra Afzal, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
Presentation - Società Botanica Italiana, Gruppo algalogia, Riunione scientifica annuale, Catania, Italy - november 2018
Publications en 2012
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-MCP12] [Add to your selection]
Selena Montinaro, Alessandro Concas, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
Chemical Engineering Transactions vol. 28 - 2012

Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-MCP12] [Add to your selection]
Selena Montinaro, Alessandro Concas, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
3rd International Conference on Contaminated Sites Remediation - september 2012
Publications en 2011
Peer-reviewed publications in national events
[5-MCP11] [Add to your selection]
Selena Montinaro, Alessandro Concas, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
La Chimica in Sardegna nell’Anno della Chimica La Chimica in Sardegna nell’Anno della Chimica Alghero, Italy - october 2011
Publications en 2009
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-MCP09] [Add to your selection]
Selena Montinaro, Alessandro Concas, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
Chemical Engineering Journal pages 123-131 vol. 155 - 2009

Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-MCP09] [Add to your selection]
Selena Montinaro, Alessandro Concas, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
ICHEAP-9, The 9th Italian Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering - 2009
Publications en 2008
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-MCP08] [Add to your selection]
Selena Montinaro, Alessandro Concas, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
Chemical Engineering Journal pages 271--284 vol. 142 - 2008

[2-MCP08] [Add to your selection]
Selena Montinaro, Alessandro Concas, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
Ingegneria Ambientale pages 30--43 vol. 47 - 2008

Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-MCP08] [Add to your selection]
Selena Montinaro, Alessandro Concas, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
Proceedings Of Congresso GRICU 2008 - 2008
Publications en 2007
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-MCP07] [Add to your selection]
Selena Montinaro, Alessandro Concas, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
Chemosphere pages 631 vol. 67 - 2007

[2-CMP07] [Add to your selection]
Alessandro Concas, Selena Montinaro, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
Chemical Engineering Science pages 5186 vol. 62 - 2007

[2-CMP07] [Add to your selection]
Alessandro Concas, Selena Montinaro, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
Chemical Engineering Science pages 5186 5192 vol. 62 num. 18-20 - september 2007

Various talks, works and publications
[6-MCP07] [Add to your selection]
Selena Montinaro, Alessandro Concas, Massimo Pisu, Sarah Fadda, Alberto Cincotti, Giacomo Cao
Proceeding of the Eight International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, ICHEAP8, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Editor Pierucci, Publisher AIDIC Servizi SRL, 11, pages 797-802 - 2007

Contractual reports
[7-MCP07] [Add to your selection]
Selena Montinaro, Alessandro Concas, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 07/09 techreport - june 2007

[7-CCC07] [Add to your selection]
Alessandro Concas, Alessandra Carucci, Raimondo Ciccu, Claudio Gallo, Battista Grosso, Nicola Lai, Aldo Muntoni, Simona Palmas, Massimo Pisu, Anna Maria Polcaro, Selena Montinaro, S. Fadda, Alberto Cincotti
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 07/26 techreport - may 2007

[7-CCC07] [Add to your selection]
Alessandro Concas, Alessandra Carucci, Raimondo Ciccu, Claudio Gallo, Battista Grosso, Nicola Lai, Aldo Muntoni, Simona Palmas, Massimo Pisu, Anna Maria Polcaro, Selena Montinaro, S. Fadda, Alberto Cincotti
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 07/26 techreport - may 2007

[7-CCC07] [Add to your selection]
Alessandro Concas, Alessandra Carucci, Raimondo Ciccu, Claudio Gallo, Battista Grosso, Nicola Lai, Aldo Muntoni, Simona Palmas, Massimo Pisu, Anna Maria Polcaro, Selena Montinaro, S. Fadda, Alberto Cincotti
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 07/26 techreport - may 2007