Publications CRS4

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Publications en 2011
Various talks, works and publications
[6-ANG11] [Add to your selection]
Andrea Angius
“Collana di Seminari 2011 per la Valorizzazione dei Risultati della Ricerca al CRS4” Cagliari - february 2011

[6-HOF11] [Add to your selection]
Detlef W.M. Hofmann
Oral Presentation - 5. Workshop Forschergruppe 618 'Aggregation mit präzisen Methoden verstehen - Experiment und Theorie im Wechselspiel' - february 2011

[6-FLO11] [Add to your selection]
Personal communication - - january 2011

Contractual reports
[7-AM11] [Add to your selection]
Alessandro Atzori, Vincent Moreau
Rapport de Contrat - - december 2011

[7-MUR11] [Add to your selection]
Francesca Mura
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy techreport - september 2011

[7-MOR11] [Add to your selection]
Vincent Moreau
CRS4 Calculation report - september 2011

[7-MAS11] [Add to your selection]
CRS4 num. MLthins1 - august 2011

[7-RP11] [Add to your selection]
Patricia Rodriguez-Tomé, Luca Pani
CRS4 - july 2011

[7-MAS11] [Add to your selection]
Rapport de Contrat - - july 2011

[7-GIR11] [Add to your selection]
Andrea Girau
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 11/07 techreport - may 2011

[7-CFM11] [Add to your selection]
Gianmauro Cuccuru, Giorgio Fotia, Fabio Maggio
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 11/08 techreport - may 2011

[7-MOR11] [Add to your selection]
Vincent Moreau
CRS4 Calculation report - may 2011

[7-MP11] [Add to your selection]
Marino Marrocu, Gabriella Pusceddu
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 11/01 techreport - january 2011

Internal reports
[8-MMC11] [Add to your selection]
Luca Massidda, Vincent Moreau, Andreas Class
- may 2011

Thesis and academic qualification
[9-LAI11] [Add to your selection]
University of Compiègne - BP 60319 60203 Compiègne cedex - july 2011

[9-SC11] [Add to your selection]
Alceste Scalas, Giovanni Casu
Masters thesis
Università di Cagliari --- Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali - april 2011

[9-FLO11] [Add to your selection]
University of Rome - march 2011
Publications en 2010
Books and Book Chapters
[1-ML10] [Add to your selection]
Information Retrieval And Mining In Distributed Environments, Springer Alessandro Soro and Giuliano Armano and Gavino Paddeu pages 61--67 vol. 1 incollection - 2010

[1-DDH10] [Add to your selection]
Sergio de la Fuente van Bentem, Alberto de la Fuente, Heribert Hirt
Plant Stress Biology, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA Hirt, Heribert pages 227-248 - 2010

[1-ML10] [Add to your selection]
Information Retrieval and Mining in Distributed Environments, Springer A. Soro, E. Vargiu, G. Armano and G. Paddeu pages 61--76 vol. 1 - 2010