Finite element modeling of the transport of reactive contaminants in variably saturated soils with LEA and non-LEA sorption

Giuseppe Gambolati, G. Pini, Mario Putti, Claudio Paniconi
Environmental Modeling, Vol. II: Computer Methods and Software for Simulating Environmental Pollution and its Adverse Effects, Computational Mechanics Publications, page 173--212 - 1994

BibTex references

  author       = {Gambolati, G. and Pini, G. and Putti, M. and Paniconi, C.},
  title        = {Finite element modeling of the transport of reactive contaminants in variably saturated soils with LEA and non-LEA sorption},
  booktitle    = {Environmental Modeling, Vol. II: Computer Methods and Software for Simulating Environmental Pollution and its Adverse Effects},
  chapter      = {7},
  pages        = {173--212},
  year         = {1994},
  editor       = {P. Zannetti},
  publisher    = {Computational Mechanics Publications},
  address      = {Southampton, UK},
  type         = {incollection},
  url          = {},

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» Giuseppe Gambolati
» G. Pini
» Mario Putti
» Claudio Paniconi