Direct simulation of multiphase flows with density variations
Zaleski S.,
J. Li,
Ruben Scardovelli,
Gianluigi Zanetti
IUTAM on 'Variable Density Low Speed Turbulent Flows' - 1996
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author = {S., Z. and Li, J. and Scardovelli, R. and Zanetti, G.},
title = {Direct simulation of multiphase flows with density variations},
booktitle = {IUTAM on 'Variable Density Low Speed Turbulent Flows'},
year = {1996},
editor = {L. Fulachier and F. Anselmet},
publisher = {Kluwer},
address = {Marseille 8-10 Juillet 1996},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/1996/SLSZ96a},
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