Modelling saltwater intrusion in the Capoterra coastal aquifer system (Sardinia, Italy)
Maria Grazia Sciabica,
Laura Muscas,
Claudio Gallo
ModelCARE 96: International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling, page 341--350 - 1996
Références BibTex
author = {Sciabica, M. and Muscas, L. and Gallo, C.},
title = {Modelling saltwater intrusion in the Capoterra coastal aquifer system (Sardinia, Italy)},
booktitle = {ModelCARE 96: International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling},
pages = {341--350},
year = {1996},
publisher = {Van Der Heijde et al. (eds.)},
keywords = {GIS},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/1996/SMG96a},
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