Furrow irrigation with salty water: modelling of the system and resolution of soil dielectric measurements
S. Ferraris,
Claudio Gallo
Modelling of Transport Processes in Soils at Various Scales in Time and Space: International EurAgEng Workshop, page 329-336 - 1999
Références BibTex
author = {Ferraris, S. and Gallo, C.},
title = {Furrow irrigation with salty water: modelling of the system and resolution of soil dielectric measurements},
booktitle = {Modelling of Transport Processes in Soils at Various Scales in Time and Space: International EurAgEng Workshop},
pages = {329-336},
year = {1999},
editor = {J. Feyen and K. Wiko},
publisher = {Wageningen Press, The Netherlands},
note = {institution: Wageningen Press, NL
idxproject: ?
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/1999/FG99a},
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