A layered architecture for implementing autonomous planning agents

Giuliano Armano, Vanna Galaffu, Carlo Muntoni, Eloisa Vargiu
AI*IA 2000, page 5--8 - 2000

BibTex references

  author       = {Armano, G. and Galaffu, V. and Muntoni, C. and Vargiu, E.},
  title        = {A layered architecture for implementing autonomous planning agents},
  booktitle    = {AI*IA 2000},
  pages        = {5--8},
  year         = {2000},
  organization = {AI*IA 2000 Agenti Intelligenti Modelli e Applicazioni},
  url          = {

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» Giuliano Armano
» Eloisa Vargiu