Electronic patient records: new techniques (abs)
Sascha Moehrs,
Gavin Brelstaff,
Paolo Anedda,
Massimiliano Tuveri,
Gianluigi Zanetti
Technology and Health Care, Volume 8, page 175--176 - 2000
BibTex references
author = {Moehrs, S. and Brelstaff, G. and Anedda, P. and Tuveri, M. and Zanetti, G.},
title = {Electronic patient records: new techniques (abs)},
journal = {Technology and Health Care},
volume = {8},
pages = {175--176},
year = {2000},
note = {MEDNET 2000 Brussels,IOS Pressidxproject: MedoW
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2000/MBATZ00a},
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