Developing a virtual reality environment for petrous bone surgery: a state-of-the-art review
Nigel W. John,
Alan Jackson,
Neil A. Thacker,
Enrico Gobbetti,
Gianluigi Zanetti,
Robert J. Stone,
Alf D. Linney,
Ghassan H. Alusi,
Armin Schwerdtner
Rapport de recherche 01/86, CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia, Number 01/86 - 2001
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author = {John, N. and Jackson, A. and Thacker, N. and Gobbetti, E. and Zanetti, G. and Stone, R. and Linney, A. and Alusi, G. and Schwerdtner, A.},
title = {Developing a virtual reality environment for petrous bone surgery: a state-of-the-art review},
institution = {CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia},
number = {01/86},
year = {2001},
address = {Cagliari, Italy},
type = {techreport},
url = {},
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