The influence of a confining layer on saltwater intrusion under surface recharge and groundwater extraction conditions
Developments in Water Science, Number 47, page 493--500 - 2002
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author = {Cau, P. and Lecca, G. and Putti, M. and Paniconi, C.},
title = {The influence of a confining layer on saltwater intrusion under surface recharge and groundwater extraction conditions},
booktitle = {Developments in Water Science},
number = {47},
pages = {493--500},
year = {2002},
publisher = {Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
organization = {Proceedings of the XIV International Conference On Computational Methods In Water Resources (CMWR XIV), Delft, The Netherlands, June 23-28},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2002/CLPP02a},
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