Quantitative analysis of human osteoprogenitor cell differentiation on 3D biodegradable scaffolds
Anna Marsano,
Francesca Frexia,
Xin Qi,
Francesco Beltrame,
Walter Dick,
Ivan Martin
New Drugs, page 50--55 - february 2002
Références BibTex
author = {Marsano, A. and Frexia, F. and Qi, X. and Beltrame, F. and Dick, W. and Martin, I.},
title = {Quantitative analysis of human osteoprogenitor cell differentiation on 3D biodegradable scaffolds},
journal = {New Drugs},
pages = {50--55},
month = {february},
year = {2002},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2002/MFQBDM02},
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