3d zero-offset crs stack for narrow-azimuth data: formulation and examples

Giovanni Cardone, Antonio Maria Cristini, Ernesto Bonomi, Marchetti P., R. Zambonini, Hubral P., Mann J.
EAGE/SEG Research Workshop Trieste, Italy - 2003

Références BibTex

  author       = {Cardone, G. and Cristini, A. and Bonomi, E. and P., M. and Zambonini, R. and P., H. and J., M.},
  title        = {3d zero-offset crs stack for narrow-azimuth data: formulation and examples},
  booktitle    = {EAGE/SEG Research Workshop Trieste, Italy},
  year         = {2003},
  keywords     = {data-driven method, crs, stacking, narrow azimuth, hpc},
  url          = {},

Autres publications dans la base

» Giovanni Cardone
» Antonio Maria Cristini
» Ernesto Bonomi
» R. Zambonini