Fase 2. sviluppo di un codice di calcolo cfq (combustion front quenching)

Massimo Pisu, Nicola Lai, Alessandro Concas, Giacomo Cao
Technical Report 04/01, CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia, Number 04/01 - november 2003

BibTex references

  author       = {Pisu, M. and Lai, N. and Concas, A. and Cao, G.},
  title        = {Fase 2. sviluppo di un codice di calcolo cfq (combustion front quenching)},
  institution  = {CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia},
  number       = {04/01},
  month        = {november},
  year         = {2003},
  address      = {Cagliari, Italy},
  note         = {idxproject: SIM1 MIUR},
  type         = {techreport},
  keywords     = {cfq modelling},
  url          = {},

Other publications in the database

» Massimo Pisu
» Nicola Lai
» Alessandro Concas
» Giacomo Cao