Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of al-ti-b in the iss: reactor design and preliminar evaluation
J. De Wilde,
L. Froyen,
Roberto Orrú,
Giacomo Cao,
I. A. Beloki,
A. E. Sytschev,
A. S. Rogachev,
D. J. Jarvis,
L. Vautmans,
F. Preud'Homme,
R. Licheri
International Journal of SHS - 2003
Références BibTex
author = {Wilde, J. and Froyen, L. and Orrú, R. and Cao, G. and Beloki, I. and Sytschev, A. and Rogachev, A. and Jarvis, D. and Vautmans, L. and Preud'Homme, F. and Licheri, R.},
title = {Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of al-ti-b in the iss: reactor design and preliminar evaluation},
journal = {International Journal of SHS},
year = {2003},
note = {Submitted for Publicationidxproject: ?
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2003/WFOCBSRJVPL03a},
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