XPSuite: tracking and managing XP projects in the IDE

Alessandro Soro, Manuela Angioni, Davide Carboni, Marco Melis, S. Pinna, Raffaella Sanna
Proceedings Of The QUTE-SWAP Workshop, In ACM SIGSOFT 2004, Volume 1 - november 2004
Download the publication : sigsoft-en_reviewed.pdf [815Ko]  
In this paper we'll describe XPSuite, a tool composed by two parts: XPSwiki, a tool for managing XP projects and XP4IDE, a plug-in for integrating XPSwiki with the IDE IntelliJ-Idea. We'll justify the reasons of this integration and the capability of XPSuite to collect process metrics. The system has a full object oriented implementation so it is possible to extract all data represented in the model that the system implement.

BibTex references

  author       = {Soro, A. and Angioni, M. and Carboni, D. and Melis, M. and Pinna, S. and Sanna, R.},
  title        = {XPSuite: tracking and managing XP projects in the IDE},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings Of The QUTE-SWAP Workshop, In ACM SIGSOFT 2004},
  volume       = {1},
  month        = {november},
  year         = {2004},
  editor       = {Michele Marchesi and Giancarlo Succi},
  publisher    = {ACM},
  note         = {idxproject: NDA MAPS},
  url          = {},

Other publications in the database

» Alessandro Soro
» Manuela Angioni
» Davide Carboni
» Marco Melis
» S. Pinna
» Raffaella Sanna