Collaborative immersive visualization without goggles -- experiences in developing a holographics display system for medical applications
Proceedings of the Fifth MIMOS Conference - november 2005
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In this contribution, we report on the development of a novel holographic display technology that targets multiple freely moving naked eye viewers and of a collaborative medical application prototype that aims at exploiting this technology to provide medical specialists with a truly interactive 3D collaborative environment for diagnostic discussions and/or pre-operative planning.
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author = {Bettio, F. and Frexia, F. and Gobbetti, E. and Pintore, G. and Zanetti, G. and Balogh, T. and Forgacs, T. and Agocs, T. and Bouvier, E.},
title = {Collaborative immersive visualization without goggles -- experiences in developing a holographics display system for medical applications},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth MIMOS Conference},
month = {november},
year = {2005},
address = {Conference held in Turin, Italy, November 3--5, 2005},
note = {CD ROM Proceedings idxproject: ?},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2005/BFGPZBFAB05a},
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