Multichannelstory: an idea to develop interactive narrative with itv
Massimo Deriu
User-Centred ITV Systems, Programmes And Applications, page 249--252 - march 2005
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The growth of digital television has driven new challenges for broadcaster, content producers and software developers; interactivity, in particular, represents a clear shift in the paradigm of television applications. The art of interactive narrative can easily take this opportunity because interactivity allows viewers to change the plot and, at the same time, allows authors to present multiple perspectives of the story. The combination of interactive narrative with iTV could represent a further chance in the transition process from analogue to digital TV, where one of the critical needs is the development and delivering of new services and applications, able to attract new viewers. In this paper we propose a viable approach to develop interactive narrative with iTV technology. We present an idea to deliver television events, usually dramas or cartoons, having multiple and selectable plots, using the DVB-MHP platform.
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author = {Deriu, M.},
title = {Multichannelstory: an idea to develop interactive narrative with itv},
booktitle = {User-Centred ITV Systems, Programmes And Applications},
pages = {249--252},
month = {march},
year = {2005},
editor = {Jens F. Jensen},
publisher = {InDiMedia -},
organization = {InDiMedia Department of Communication Aalborg University},
address = {Conference held in Aalborg, Denmark},
keywords = {Interactive narrative, media navigation, iTV, DVB-MHP.},
url = {},
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