Compression and rendering of high resolution planetary scale digital elevation models

Proceedings of the Fifth MIMOS Conference - november 2005
Télécharger la publication : mimos2005-compressed-terrains.pdf [2.2Mo]  
In this contribution, we illustrate a technique for incorporating aggressive compression methods in the BDAM adaptive resolution framework for terrain rendering. The new structure provides a number of benefits: simplicity of data structures, overall geometric continuity, efficient compression and fast construction times, real-time decompression and rendering with configurable variable level-of-detail extraction, and runtime detail synthesis.

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Références BibTex

  author       = {Gobbetti, E. and Marton, F.},
  title        = {Compression and rendering of high resolution planetary scale digital elevation models},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Fifth MIMOS Conference},
  month        = {november},
  year         = {2005},
  address      = {Conference held in Turin, Italy, November 3--5, 2005},
  note         = {CD ROM Proceedings    idxproject: CRIMSON},
  keywords     = {CRIMSON},
  url          = {},

Autres publications dans la base

» Enrico Gobbetti
» Fabio Marton