Polaris4os: a best practice for training and adoption of f/oss in sme

Giulio Concas, M. Marchesi, Andrea Piras, Stefano Sanna, E. Sciola, Selene Uras
Towards Open Source Software Adoption - Educational, Public, Legal, And Usability Practices, page 89--98 - june 2006
Download the publication : crs4_1145.pdf [182Ko]  
The methodical adoption of F/OSS in SMEs raises critical problems related to issues such as technology, organization, culture and business model choices. In this paper, we describe Polaris4OS, a successful experience of F/OSS adoption among CEOs, managers and developers of ICT companies. The lack of F/OSS culture has been identified as the most critical obstacle for the exploitation of the new opportunities offered by the F/OSS communities.

BibTex references

  author       = {Concas, G. and Marchesi, M. and Piras, A. and Sanna, S. and Sciola, E. and Uras, S.},
  title        = {Polaris4os: a best practice for training and adoption of f/oss in sme},
  booktitle    = {Towards Open Source Software Adoption - Educational, Public, Legal, And Usability Practices},
  pages        = {89--98},
  month        = {june},
  year         = {2006},
  editor       = {Bulent Ozel and Can Burak Cilingir and Kaan Erkan (Eds. )},
  publisher    = {TUBITAK (The Scientific \& Technological Research Council of Turkey)},
  note         = {isbn: 975-403-373-0

idxproject: ?},
  url          = {},

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» Giulio Concas
» M. Marchesi
» Andrea Piras
» Stefano Sanna
» Selene Uras