Error bounds for semi-parametric estimation in mrs
Rabeson H.,
Enrico Capobianco,
R. de Beer,
van Ormondt D.,
Graveron-Demilly D.
Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 14th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, USA - 6-12 May 2006, page 32 - 37 - may 2006
BibTex references
author = {H., R. and Capobianco, E. and de Beer, R. and D., v. and D., G.-D.},
title = {Error bounds for semi-parametric estimation in mrs},
booktitle = {Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 14th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, USA - 6-12 May 2006},
pages = {32 - 37},
month = {may},
year = {2006},
keywords = {Bioinformatics},
url = {},
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