A simple analytical model for the conductivity of polymeric sulfonated membranes

Lorenzo Pisani, Maria Valentini, Bruno D'Aguanno, Detlef W.M. Hofmann, Enrico Pieroni
Misc - 2006

BibTex references

  author       = {Pisani, L. and Valentini, M. and D'Aguanno, B. and Hofmann, D. and Pieroni, E.},
  title        = {A simple analytical model for the conductivity of polymeric sulfonated membranes},
  year         = {2006},
  note         = {date-modified: 2009-12-03 17:22:52 +0100idxproject: ?},
  keywords     = {Bioinformatics},
  url          = {},

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» Lorenzo Pisani
» Maria Valentini
» Bruno D'Aguanno
» Detlef W.M. Hofmann
» Enrico Pieroni