Andhìra, a database for bioactive molecules of the sardinian endemic flora (ii)

Giuliana Brunetti, Sergio Contrino, Matteo Floris, Gianfranco Frau, Joel Pierre Masciocchi, Patricia Rodriguez-Tomé
Misc - june 2007

BibTex references

  author       = {Brunetti, G. and Contrino, S. and Floris, M. and Frau, G. and Masciocchi, J. and Rodriguez-Tomé, P.},
  title        = {Andhìra, a database for bioactive molecules of the sardinian endemic flora (ii)},
  month        = {june},
  year         = {2007},
  type         = {Poster},
  keywords     = {Bioinformatcs, databases},
  url          = {},

Other publications in the database

» Giuliana Brunetti
» Matteo Floris
» Gianfranco Frau
» Joel Pierre Masciocchi
» Patricia Rodriguez-Tomé