Patial dataset infrastructure for geochemical hazard analysis and forecast: agisgrid
A. Deiana,
Paolo Valera,
F. Muntoni,
A. Mazzella,
Roberto Demontis,
Eva Barbara Lorrai,
Laura Muscas
13th EC-GI And GIS Workshop INSPIRE Time: ESDI For Environment - 2007
Références BibTex
author = {Deiana, A. and Valera, P. and Muntoni, F. and Mazzella, A. and Demontis, R. and Lorrai, E. and Muscas, L.},
title = {Patial dataset infrastructure for geochemical hazard analysis and forecast: agisgrid},
booktitle = {13th EC-GI And GIS Workshop INSPIRE Time: ESDI For Environment},
year = {2007},
keywords = {gis},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2007/DVMMDLM07c},
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