The implications of alternative splicing in the encode protein complement.
Tress Michael L,
Martelli Pier Luigi,
Frankish Adam,
Reeves Gabrielle A,
Wesselink Jan Jaap,
Yeats Corin,
Olason Pall Lsolfur,
Albrecht Mario,
Hegyi Hedi,
A. Giorgetti,
Raimondo Domenico,
Lagarde Julien,
Lagana A,
Lopez Gonzalo,
Michael I Sadowski ,
Watson James D,
Fariselli Piero,
Rossi Ivan,
Nagy Alinda,
Kai Wang,
Storling Zenia,
Massimiliano Orsini,
Assenov Yassen,
Blankenburg Hagen,
Huthmacher Carola,
Ramirez Fidel,
Schlicker Andreas,
Denoeud France,
Jones Phil,
Kerrien Samuel,
Orchard Sandra,
Antonarakis Stylianos E,
Reymond Alexandre,
Birney Ewan,
Brunak Soren,
Casadio Rita,
Guigo Roderic,
Harrow Jennifer,
Hermjakob Henning,
Jones David T,
Lengauer Thomas,
Orengo Christine A,
Patthy Laszlo,
Thornton Janet M,
Anna Tramontano,
Valencia Alfonso
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 104, Number 13, page 5495--5500 - 2007
Alternative premessenger RNA splicing enables genes to generate more than one gene product. Splicing events that occur within protein coding regions have the potential to alter the biological function of the expressed protein and even to create new protein functions. Alternative splicing has been suggested as one explanation for the discrepancy between the number of human genes and functional complexity. Here, we carry out a detailed study of the alternatively spliced gene products annotated in the ENCODE pilot project. We find that alternative splicing in human genes is more frequent than has commonly been suggested, and we demonstrate that many of the potential alternative gene products will have markedly different structure and function from their constitutively spliced counterparts. For the vast majority of these alternative isoforms, little evidence exists to suggest they have a role as functional proteins, and it seems unlikely that the spectrum of conventional enzymatic or structural functions can be substantially extended through alternative splicing.
Références BibTex
author = {L, T. and Luigi, M. and Adam, F. and A, R. and Jaap, W. and Corin, Y. and Lsolfur, O. and Mario, A. and Hedi, H. and Giorgetti, A. and Domenico, R. and Julien, L. and A, L. and Gonzalo, L. and Sadowski , M. and D, W. and Piero, F. and Ivan, R. and Alinda, N. and Wang, K. and Zenia, S. and Orsini, M. and Yassen, A. and Hagen, B. and Carola, H. and Fidel, R. and Andreas, S. and France, D. and Phil, J. and Samuel, K. and Sandra, O. and E, A. and Alexandre, R. and Ewan, B. and Soren, B. and Rita, C. and Roderic, G. and Jennifer, H. and Henning, H. and T, J. and Thomas, L. and A, O. and Laszlo, P. and M, T. and Tramontano, A. and Alfonso, V.},
title = {The implications of alternative splicing in the encode protein complement.},
journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America},
number = {13},
volume = {104},
pages = {5495--5500},
year = {2007},
note = {address: Structural Computational Biology Programme, Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, E-28029 Madrid, Spain.},
keywords = {Bioinformatics; *Alternative Splicing; Databases, Genetic; Gene Expression Regulation; Genome, Human; Humans; Internet; Models, Molecular; Protein Conformation; Protein Isoforms; Protein Sorting Signals; Protein Structure, Tertiary; Proteins/chemistry; *R},
issn = {0027-8424},
doi = {10.1073/pnas.0700800104},
url = {},
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