A novel semantic approach to create document collections.
A. Addis,
Manuela Angioni,
Giuliano Armano,
Roberto Demontis,
Franco Tuveri,
Eloisa Vargiu
Proceedings Of Intelligent Systems And Agents 2008, Volume -, page 53--60 - 2008
Available document collections are more and more required for supervised text categorization tasks. They typically are collections of documents classified by domain engineers. In this paper, we propose a semantic text categorization approach able to automatically create document collections in which documents are classified according to WordNet Domains taxonomy. Experiments have been performed by training a classifier with an automatic document collection and comparing results with those obtained by training the same classifier on a hand-made document collection. Experimental results point out that, on average, the performances of the automatic approach are quite similar to those obtained on a document collection classified by domain engineers.
Références BibTex
author = {Addis, A. and Angioni, M. and Armano, G. and Demontis, R. and Tuveri, F. and Vargiu, E.},
title = {A novel semantic approach to create document collections.},
booktitle = {Proceedings Of Intelligent Systems And Agents 2008},
volume = {-},
pages = {53--60},
year = {2008},
editor = {Antonio Palma dos Reis},
publisher = {IADIS Press},
note = {Selected for the best paper award.isbn: 978-972-8924-60-7
idxproject: NDA, DART},
keywords = {Text Categorization, Document Collections, Intelligent Software Systems, Machine Learning.},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2008/AAADTV08a},
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