Experimenting combinations of content-based and collaborative filtering with a photo recommender system
Maurizio Agelli,
Giuliano Armano,
Gianmarco Cherchi,
Maria Laura Clemente,
Daniela Ghironi
Communications Of SIWN, Volume 5, page 33--38 - 2008
With the on-going information explosion, it is becoming more and more critical to help users in retrieving items of actual interest. This work describes some experiments carried out in the field of photo recommendation, where a collaborative approach is combined in three different ways with a content-based one, in a scenario composed by few users that are very different among them. The content-based approach is an attempt to improve the performances of the collaborative one, by exploiting the textual descriptions that usually come with photos. Preliminary experiments show that improvements in the precision can be achieved for some users, although - in this particular context - the collaborative approach is on the average preferable.
Références BibTex
author = {Agelli, M. and Armano, G. and Cherchi, G. and Clemente, M. and Ghironi, D.},
title = {Experimenting combinations of content-based and collaborative filtering with a photo recommender system},
booktitle = {Communications Of SIWN},
volume = {5},
pages = {33--38},
year = {2008},
editor = {Communications of SIWN},
keywords = {recommender systems, collaborative filtering, community detection},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2008/AACCG08a},
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