Semanticnet: a wordnet-based tool for the navigation of semantic information
Manuela Angioni,
Roberto Demontis,
Massimo Deriu,
Franco Tuveri
Proceedings Of GWC 2008, Volume -, page 21--34 - 2008
The main aim of the DART search engine is to index and retrieve information both in a generic and in a specific context where documents can be mapped or not on ontologies, vocabularies and thesauri. To achieve this goal, a semantic analysis process on structured and unstructured parts of documents is performed. While the unstructured parts need a linguistic analysis and a semantic interpretation performed by means of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, the structured parts need a specific parser. In this paper we illustrate how semantic keys are extracted from documents starting from WordNet and used by an automatic tool in order to define a new semantic net called SemanticNet build enriching the WordNet semantic net with new nodes, links and attributes. Formulating the query through the search engine, the user can move through the SemanticNet and extracts the concepts which really interest him, limiting the search field and obtaining a more specific result by means of a dedicated tool called 3DUI4SemanticNet.
Références BibTex
author = {Angioni, M. and Demontis, R. and Deriu, M. and Tuveri, F.},
title = {Semanticnet: a wordnet-based tool for the navigation of semantic information},
booktitle = {Proceedings Of GWC 2008},
volume = {-},
pages = {21--34},
year = {2008},
editor = {A. Tanacs and D. Csendes and V. Vincze and C. Fellbaum and P. Vossen},
publisher = {University of Szeged},
note = {isbn: 978-963-482-854-9
idxproject: NDA, DART},
keywords = {Semantic net, Ontologies, NLP, 3D User Interface.},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2008/ADDT08b},
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