Simulation numérique de la combustion dans un scramjet avec injection transversale de carburant
CISM08 2eme conference internationale sur les sciences de la mecanique - november 2008
The evolution of the future transport at high speed will depend strongly on the
development of the hypersonic propulsion engines. The combustion chamber represents
one of the basic technologies which order the development of these propulsion systems. At
hypersonic flight speed, the available time for either the injection of fuel, the creation of
the reactive mixture air-fuel and the combustion is very short. Certain numbers of studies
were carried out and various strategies of injection were suggested so that configurations
of combustion chambers of Scramjets overcome the limitations imposed by the short
residence time. The present study describes a numerical investigation of the performances
of turbulent supersonic combustion when a transverse sonic injection of the fuel
(hydrogen) through a slot nozzle in a supersonic hot air stream is employed. In order to
carry out this, an in-house code (Karalis) is used. Karalis is a parallel MPI, Finite-
Volume, multiblock CFD code which solves the fully compressible Euler and Navier-
Stokes equations, where all couplings between dynamics and thermodynamics are
allowed. This is the most general mathematical model for all fluid flows. The results
obtained are compared with those provided by the literature.
Références BibTex
author = {Belmrabet, T. and Talice, M. and Delussu, G. and hanchi, s.},
title = {Simulation numérique de la combustion dans un scramjet avec injection transversale de carburant},
booktitle = {CISM08 2eme conference internationale sur les sciences de la mecanique},
month = {november},
year = {2008},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2008/BTDH08},
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