ARMANDO, a SPH code for CERN Some theory, a short tutorial, the code description and some examples

Technical Report LM08ATB, CERN A&B Dep., Number LM08ATB - 2008
Download the publication : CERN-AB-Note-039-ATB.pdf [1.6Mo]  
The Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics methodologies may be a useful numerical tool for the simulation of particle beam interaction with liquid targets and obstacles. ARMANDO code is a state of the art SPH code interfaced with FLUKA and capable to solve these problems. This report presents the basic theoretical elements behind the method, describes the most important aspects of the implementation and shows some simple examples.

BibTex references

  author       = {Massidda, L.},
  title        = {ARMANDO, a SPH code for CERN Some theory, a short tutorial, the code description and some examples},
  institution  = {CERN  A\&B Dep.},
  number       = {LM08ATB},
  year         = {2008},
  url          = {},

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» Luca Massidda