Moska, mobile organized knowledge access for science: astronomy and renewable energies videos for mobile phone delivery

Carole Salis, Marco Ambu
Proceedings Of World Conference On Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia And Telecommunications 2008, page pp. 4388--4393 - 2008
Teachers and researchers work together to develop video seminaries gathered in the MOKA web site dedicated to the project for scientific seminars. Thanks to the Wi-Fi router installed in their schools, students will be able to download the seminars on their mobile phones. Within the Wi-Fi coverage area, students and teachers can exchange files, opinions and complementary information. To reward the regularity of the studentsáttendance at the offered learning activities, they might be assigned a mobile phone at the end of the experimentation. The production of video scenario takes place following the theoretical conditions of learning stated by Gagne'. We have reduced the guideline phases and implemented them in an authoring system called TELA

Références BibTex

  author       = {Salis, C. and Ambu, M.},
  title        = {Moska, mobile organized knowledge access for science: astronomy and renewable energies videos for mobile phone delivery},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings Of World Conference On Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia And Telecommunications 2008},
  pages        = {pp. 4388--4393},
  year         = {2008},
  publisher    = {AACE},
  keywords     = {students, teachers, video},
  url          = {},

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