Multitouch sensing for collaborative interactive walls
Proc. Of The 1st Human-Computer Interaction Symposium (HCIS 2008) - 2008
In this paper we explain the design of t-Frame, a hardware/software architecture that allows the implementation of multiuser interactive wall. t-Frame brings multi-touch sensing to a generic display by means of low cost digital video cameras. The design of t-Frame is illustrated in detail, together with a prototype installation. We show how t-Frame differs from other approaches and discuss our findings, together with a plan of future research and improvements.
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author = {Soro, A. and Paddeu, G. and Lobina, M.},
title = {Multitouch sensing for collaborative interactive walls},
booktitle = {Proc. Of The 1st Human-Computer Interaction Symposium (HCIS 2008)},
year = {2008},
note = {idxproject: NDA, LABOMC},
keywords = {HCI, Multitouch, ICT},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2008/SPL08a},
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