Site-directed enzymatic pegylation of the human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
Maullu C,
Raimondo D,
Caboi F,
A. Giorgetti,
Sergi M,
Maria Valentini,
Tonon G,
Anna Tramontano
FEBS Journal, Volume 276, Number 22, page 6741-6750 - 2009
Références BibTex
author = {C, M. and D, R. and F, C. and Giorgetti, A. and M, S. and Valentini, M. and G, T. and Tramontano, A.},
title = {Site-directed enzymatic pegylation of the human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor},
journal = {FEBS Journal},
number = {22},
volume = {276},
pages = {6741-6750},
year = {2009},
keywords = {molecular dynamics},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2009/CDFGMVGT09a},
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