Parallel adaptive mesh frameworks to support unstructured cardiac simulations

Giorgio Fotia, Bruno Carpentieri, Fabio Maggio
Rapport de recherche 09/49, CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia, Number 09/49 - september 2009
We review existing mesh adaption frameworks to support the needs of substantial improvement in the speed of existing parallel adaptive cardiac electrophysiology simulations. After outlining some requirements, attention is focused on a number of selected existing libraries illustrating their design principles, major functionalities, availability, documentation, ease of use, and users services. Potential candidate andidate libraries to allow efficient implementation of adaptive algorithms in this area are then identified on the basis of the outlined requirements.

Références BibTex

  author       = {Fotia, G. and Carpentieri, B. and Maggio, F.},
  title        = {Parallel adaptive mesh frameworks to support unstructured cardiac simulations},
  institution  = {CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia},
  number       = {09/49},
  month        = {september},
  year         = {2009},
  address      = {Cagliari, Italy},
  type         = {techreport},
  keywords     = {computational medicine, cardiac simulation, spectral element, simulation, mathematical modeling, bioinformatics},
  url          = {},

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» Giorgio Fotia
» Bruno Carpentieri
» Fabio Maggio