Hades: a scalable service oriented deployment system for large scale installations

Massimo Gaggero, Gianluigi Zanetti
Proceedings Of The FINAL WORKSHOP OF GRID PROJECTS FUNDED BY 'PON RICERCA 2000-2006, AVVISO 1575', page 251--257 - february 2009
Télécharger la publication : crs4_1647.pdf [256Ko]  
Building large computational facilities requires scalable and flexible deployment tools that can cope with massive loads. Classical installation methods are not very flexible, since they are usually limited in the number of OS supported, rely on transfer solutions that impose constraints on network topology, and do not scale very well. Here we describe HaDeS (Hardware Deployment System), a new deployment system for large scale installation designed to be agnostic with respect to the network topology and the OS deployed and to scale with the number of nodes being deployed.

Références BibTex

  author       = {Gaggero, M. and Zanetti, G.},
  title        = {Hades: a scalable service oriented deployment system for large scale installations},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings Of The FINAL WORKSHOP OF GRID PROJECTS FUNDED BY 'PON RICERCA 2000-2006, AVVISO 1575'},
  pages        = {251--257},
  month        = {february},
  year         = {2009},
  editor       = {R. Barbera and M. I. Manno and M. Fargetta},
  note         = {isbn: 978-88-95892-00-3idxproject: CYBERSAR},
  keywords     = {hades, p2p, soa, vida, scalability, operating system, hades, cybersar, metalink},
  url          = {},

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» Massimo Gaggero
» Gianluigi Zanetti