Study of the part played by Peer to Peer networks in the building of personal memories: application to the dynamic research of documents for e-learning purposes
Rapport de recherche , Journe des Doctorants Heudiasyc. UTC Centre de Recherche. 2009, Compiègne, France. - 2009
Références BibTex
author = {Lai, C.},
title = {Study of the part played by Peer to Peer networks in the building of personal memories: application to the dynamic research of documents for e-learning purposes},
institution = {Journe des Doctorants Heudiasyc. UTC Centre de Recherche. 2009, Compiègne, France.},
year = {2009},
keywords = {Semantics and Ontology Engineering; Information Search and Retrieval; Distributed Data Structures; Distributed Systems; Semantic Desktop; Personal Memories},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2009/Lai09},
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