Evolution equations for the probabilistic generalization of the voigt profile function

Gianni Pagnini, Mainardi Francesco
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume doi:10.1016/ - 2009
The spectrum profile that emerges in molecular spectroscopy and atmospheric radiative transfer as the combined effect of Doppler and pressure broadenings is known as the Voigt profile function. Because of its convolution integral representation, the Voigt profile can be interpreted as the probability density function of the sum of two independent random variables with Gaussian density (due to the Doppler effect) and Lorentzian density (due to the pressure effect). Since these densities belong to the class of symmetric Lèvy stable distributions, a probabilistic generalization is proposed as the convolution of two arbitrary symmetric Lèvy densities. We study the case when the widths of the distributions considered depend on a scale factor τ that is representative of spatial inhomogeneity or temporal non-stationarity. The evolution equations for this probabilistic generalization of the Voigt function are here introduced and interpreted as generalized diffusion equations containing two Riesz space-fractional derivatives, thus classified as space-fractional diffusion equations of double order.

Références BibTex

  author       = {Pagnini, G. and Francesco, M.},
  title        = {Evolution equations for the probabilistic generalization of the voigt profile function},
  journal      = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics},
  volume       = {doi:10.1016/},
  year         = {2009},
  keywords     = {Voigt function, Lèvy stable probability distributions, Integro-differantial equations, Riesz space-fractional derivative},
  url          = {\&_udi=B6TYH-4VRX66G-4\&_user=5394072\&_coverDate=03\%2F04\%2F2009\&_alid=906453644\&_rdoc=1\&_fmt=high\&_orig=search\&_cdi=5619\&_sort=d\&_docanchor=\&view=c\&_ct=4\&_acct=C000067152\&_version=1\&_urlVersion=0\&_userid=5394072\&md5=d5a23a9d0cf49ad45d80360918b1c840

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