Empowering spot detection in 2de images by wavelet denoising
Alessio Soggiu,
Osvaldo Marullo,
Roncada P,
Enrico Capobianco
In Silico Biology, Volume 9, page 125--133 - april 2009
BibTex references
author = {Soggiu, A. and Marullo, O. and P, R. and Capobianco, E.},
title = {Empowering spot detection in 2de images by wavelet denoising},
journal = {In Silico Biology},
volume = {9},
pages = {125--133},
month = {april},
year = {2009},
keywords = {2DE image analysis, depletion, wavelet decomposition, denoising, biomarker discovery},
doi = {10.3233/ISB-2009-0393},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2009/SMPC09a},
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